Transformation of Swimming Pools with Movable Bottoms – The Beach Club of Lucca

In the beautiful surroundings of Lucca, Italy, an exclusive beach club had a dream: to transform its pool area into a versatile and exciting space that could be adapted to different uses during the day and at night.

In the beautiful surroundings of Lucca, Italy, an exclusive beach club had a dream: to transform its pool area into a versatile and exciting space that could be adapted to different uses during the day and night. They were looking for a solution that would allow them to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere during the daytime hours and, at the same time, become a vibrant place with a DJ in the evenings.

It was then that they found our company, specialized in movable swimming pool floors. From the very beginning, they shared with us their vision of a rigid platform descending en bloc to the bottom of the pool. The space reserved for us,  was irregularly shaped and they needed it to fit their needs perfectly. We began a process of design and collaboration to make their concept a reality.

Designing the Perfect Solution

The project involved creating a platform that would fit perfectly into the space available at the beach club. As the platform would be relatively small, we had the advantage of being able to complete the installation in record time, which meant that our team was in Lucca for a week to carry out the transformation.

During the design process, we came up with different designs and sizes until we found the perfect solution that would meet all the client’s expectations. The Iguazú model PRO movable floor with its irregular shape became the ideal choice, as it offered the versatility they were looking for, allowing them to change the depth of the pool according to the time of the day.

A Satisfactory Experience for All

The collaboration with the Lucca beach club was a rewarding experience both for them and for us. Seeing their vision come to life and our technical team make sure everything ran smoothly was truly satisfying.

The PoolConcept platform became a focal point of the beach club, allowing visitors to enjoy a tranquil atmosphere during the day, perfect for swimming and relaxing, while at night it was transformed into an exciting entertainment venue with music and dancing. The versatility of the movable backgrounds fully met the customer’s expectations.

This success story at the Lucca beach club is an example of how movable floors can completely transform an aquatic space and meet specific customer needs. If you too are looking for a versatile solution for your pool, contact us and find out how we can help you realize your vision.

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